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Community Workshops

Community Workshops

Community Workshops

Workshop Presentations

SEG Career Support offers many career and job search workshops designed to assist you with your career development. Workshops are available upon request to individuals, professionals, student organizations, academic classes, and community-based agencies.


Presentation Topics:

Job Search/Cover Letters : Designed to help students understand the academic job search and prepare a cover letter in an academic job campaign.
Building a LinkedIn Profile: Learn why LinkedIn is an essential personal branding tool, and explore how to utilize it for professional networking, the job search, and more.
Business Etiquette: Introduces the basics of business etiquette and the importance of proper etiquette as it relates to interviewing and business situations.
Career Fair Strategies: Tips for navigating a career fair, including strategies on what to do before, during, and after a networking event with employers.
Career Portfolio: Learn how to build an online portfolio using FSU’s customized e-Portfolio system to help you get organized, showcase your skills and accomplishments, and stand out from the crowd!
Dress for Success: Request this workshop for tips on making strong first impressions as it relates to interviewing and business situations.
Graduate School: To Go or Not To Go: We will explore key factors in making the career decision to pursue an advanced degree through graduate or professional school.
Internship Search Strategies: Learn methods, explore tools, and gain resources related to finding, selecting, landing, and making the most out of internships and experiential learning opportunities.
Interviewing: Designed to help individuals learn how to prepare for the interview in terms of researching the employer, knowing what to expect in an interview, how to dress properly, how to combat anxiety, and more.
Job Search Strategies: Provides an overview of key steps in the job search process, including job search myths, a discussion of various job search methods, essential job search tools and strategies, and how to make the process more manageable!
Job Shadowing: Job shadowing allows students to try on a new work environment by observing a professional and gain information about potential career paths and industries. At this workshop, individuals will learn more about where they can find shadowing opportunities and how to gain recognition for their experience.
Negotiating Job Offers: Individuals will learn about job evaluation and salary negotiation skills, including ethical considerations and dealing with multiple job offers!
Personal Branding: Effective professionals both understand and can communicate their value and unique assets (personal brand) to others in the world of work. This workshop provides an overview of the branding concept and engages students in exercises to help them begin creating their own personal brand.
Professional Communication: Learn the importance of excellent oral and written communication skills while examining the do’s and don’ts for emerging professionals.
Resume Critiquing: Designed for individuals who have developed resumes and would like assistance in making them better! Individuals will have the opportunity to critique their own resume in a group format, with help from a career strategist.
Resume Writing/Cover Letters: Designed for individuals unsure of where to begin in writing a resume. We’ll discuss the purpose of a resume, the various sections within a resume, different resume styles, and strategies for formatting. We can also include information about writing cover letters!
Social Media and the Job Search: Optimize your job search by learning how to effectively use the most common social media channels utilized by recruiters.
Writing a Personal Statement: An important workshop for any student considering graduate or professional school, applying for scholarships/fellowships, or seeking other kinds of opportunities that require personal statements. Individuals will receive tips and strategies for formatting and content creation of effective personal statements.


If you have other questions about requesting a presentation, or to check the status of your request, visit SEG Career Support Contact Us page